Barbie_nicole88's Replies

Ted2 said it best..... "Have you seen any movie ever? ---yeah---- he's the black guy." 😂😂😂😂😂 I enjoy him the majority of the time though- and still laugh when he had mistaken identity on that cable news show. 5 times? You my friend deserve an award. And I'm not being sarcastic The last time I went I saw the dark knight and it was friggin awesome. I really want to go see cure for wellness and get out. all are welcome. And to pennywise --- Enter the void Is an awesome movie--- but it needs the right mindset. If someone isn't prepared for what they are about to step into they might not appreciate the film for what it is. I put it along the lines of 2001 space oddity. Lakeview Terrace First time watching it and currently still am - while I must admit it is keeping my attention I am quite annoyed at the characters. But I do appreciate the characters being somewhat "realistic" to a point. Samuels character reminded me of my own father in a sense, so I was laughing at some of its absurdities. Well backpage is shut down too now.... so I guess that's it for the women...