[email protected]'s Replies

It wasn't the trolls (although it does seem that anyone with a contrarian opinion is now deemed to be one). That's just the spun rationale. Serious movie discussions quickly put them in their place and their impact dissipated very quickly. I would imagine the real reason is cost or should I say revenue. Amazon has plans for IMDB that likely involve better promotion, marketing and sale of movie product, that will only become apparent after the demise of the boards - popular ratings will be next to go. Movie makers are very concerned about public opinion forming before the marketing machine has done its work. Not eh gag orders now being imposed when attending a sneak peak. IMDB represents a significant underutilised asset and its boards serve a social/community purpose that was affecting commercial interests. If trolls were the real objection why not introduce a nominal charge that would discourage the unworthy and improve the quality of discussion. No, there are bigger plans underway here. But let's replace that discussion here.