MovieChat Forums > theinfanta > Replies
theinfanta's Replies
When will the ignore function kick in?
I'm absolutely livid they shut the boards down hours before they were supposed to. I had some replies from people whose opinions I value, but they were gone before I could read them. I was a member for 13 years, and I feel sickened by IMDb's blatant disrespect for our needs. Many people had developed virtual friendships on those boards. I'm so sick of everything being destroyed because a bunch of rude, selfish idiots feel the need to troll. Thanks to the creators of this site for trying to create a silver lining to a heinous act.
I'll just bet you had many people put you on their Ignore lists. For someone who wants to condemn people to an alleged Hell, you really undercut your argument by committing a major grammar mistake in your username (are instead of our). Kindly refrain from using the word "dog" as an insult.