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MrsHighPie (51)
What species is Rainbow Brite?
Regan *major spoilers*
Do you think Vanessa is really that beautiful?
Those gorgeous baby blues....
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I just love how
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Bobby is ridiculously unfunny...
Why did Will....*Possible Spoiler*
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Hmm ok, I thought maybe when she became Rainbow Brite, she became a fairy or goddess or something lol. Due to her magical powers (because of her color belt I realize, but still), Starlite, and her duties of bringing color to the world it just makes sense to me that she is some sort of magical being now. Also there is the girl (Stormy?) who was in charge of making it rain or snow or bring winter or whatever it was seems to have almost Greek god like duties.
I know, I know, I am reading a lot into a simple cartoon but I enjoy doing it :) thanks for your reply.
Agreed, she plays.her character to a T and she projects a self confidence which of course we know is largely a front because of her spiritual conflict, but yeah that is an attractive quality. Also the poster below mentioned her eliciting a primal reaction of sorts. Both of you gave very good answers and gave me a lot of insight, thanks!
Lol I love the show, I just could not suspend my disbelief enough to see her as some bombshell that the characters make her out to be. But a lot more people agree with you than with me! Cheers :D
Thanks for the response. I will admit i was nervous about posting because people can be so mean when they sense you are hating on a precious character they like....that said, I see what you mean. She is captivating in her own way and I love her acting/the way she plays the character and she is very intriguing so she doesn't have to be "traditionally" beautiful to still be desirable.
I copied my exact response from you. Good for you for admitting your stupidity. Admitting is the first step. All I did through copying your response was point out the hypocrisy of what you said by pointing out that literally the exact same thing could be applied to you.
Please. You are so obviously butthurt by what the poster above you said, if not you would have just moved on and kept scrolling. I'm not getting into a debate about transgender stuff, because frankly i don't care. I am just calling you out for being a prick.
But in all seriousness thank you for not "explaining" anything to me. That sounds incredibly tedious and I have a life to get back to. Cheers. If you are American have a nice 4th of July. If not have a nice life.
I know this is a year old but there is no such thing as a non-corrupted politician, and if you don't think Obama was corrupt then you didn't pay very good attention.
The part where her ass is grabbed really irritated me. I mean it's not cool to have it done to you but damn her reaction just cringey. I feel like they should focus more on her probable chemical imbalance/mental illness instead of trying to make it seem like her bullying was so bad. In season 2 episode 1 the lawyer said she was "bullied to death". Please. I feel worse for Tyler as scummy as his stalking and picture taking was, he is bullied so much worse imo. Also totally agree about her looks, she wouldn't be my type but everyone on the show considers her beautiful so it definitely does not add up. This could all also be coming from the fact that I can't stand Hannah and find her to be a complete bitch too.
Oh man I so agree, it was so uncomfortable to watch. I only saw one episode as I'm usually at work when Wendy Williams is on....not a huge fan either but dayum. I could see some of the women in the audience looking at each other like wtf. It was like a train wreck.....horrific but I couldn't look away.
Poor you. Someone doesn't care for something on a sitcom and it hurts your feelings. Not everyone is exactly like you and you can't be exposed to that. What a tough life it must be for you.
Get over yourself.
I agree with you. They are trying too hard to be "edgy" and it comes off pretty cringe. They really should have done what you are saying.
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