I am shocked it's not the same writer/director as Gone Girl
This movie had the same style of acting (particularly Pike), unbelievable and unlikable characters, absurd/unbelievable premise and serious of events.
I thought the movie started off ok. It was funny even though the subject matter wasn't something I'd normally laugh at. It got less funny as you watched Weist's character get legally kidnapped and forced into a nursing home.
Pike had that same blank, sociopath, completely insincere delivery - but everyone including the cops and a judge just gobble up what she says. There's nothing about the way she goes about business that seems sincere, but the judge gobbles it up. Her character isn't a good enough salesman to get away with this kinda stuff.
I was ok with it for a while because despite that waaay beyond believable threshold, it was entertaining in some bizarre way. Then the whole Russian mob thing comes into play and if you think her getting away with everything was unbelievable, that was nothing compared to beating Russian gangsters. This lone sociopath with no training, muscle (either herself or through bodyguards), fighting skills, tech prowess, basically NOTHING beats serial murderers.
And even worse, it's presented in this manner as if we're supposed to like her. The smiling, the music kicking in during the romance scenes, this portrayal as if we're supposed to like, cheer for, and feel bad for her and her girlfriend....what the fuck is wrong with this movie? Oooh, she hates men too. She's "sticking it" to men, so we're supposed to cheer for her. It has all the same flaws as Gone Girl: unlikable characters, unbelievable premise, and just this bizarre presentation (matter-of-fact and/or funny) of some very troubling issues.