where the movie lost me (torture)
"Conservatorships is a subject we don't hear much about and the intention of this film is to shed light on how a systemically complex built business sometimes preys on innocent and or disabled people, meanwhile addressing other very crucial social commentary in a cheeky way."
I have no problems with movies that have an ugly moral or unpleasant message, lots of movies like Funny Games intentionally let the bad guys win as part of a credible message about audience expectations, stale tropes around good vs evil and putting us in other people's shoes.
However, a problem I had with this movie was that it established itself as a semi-realistic drama, not an action hero or fantasy movie. It's fine if the heroine was luckier than normal, but after being caught by a Russian mobster (who was explicitly set up as being psychotic) for basically robbing and torturing his mother... there's simply no explanation for the lack of her torture given she was set for death. There wasn't even a vague attempt, like saying the police were on their way to their location or anything.
This, and the similar lack of torture or death sentence regarding her girlfriend (after killing the doctor), seemed way too overly convenient (apparently due to being pretty women who needed to remain functional and attractive) and violated the credibility of the storytelling world in an inexcusable way to me.