I get going for 70s aesthetic but this looked like watching 240p video on a 4k TV!
Not everything is meant to look beautiful and crystal clear.
Have you actually seen the movie?
Yep. Liked it. Only quibble was sound volume, had to use subtitles but that could be my hearing.
It looked amazing.
It’s terrible! I managed 17 or so min.
[–] Porsche911 (1293) 12 days ago The trend of negro leads, the woke sub plot! Negros are fine. If when films are made with agendas the audience doesn’t like it!
Thank you! I feel like I'm being gaslighted.
Weird. Looks fine to me.
You should go to an optometrist, then.
Yeah, even the promo pic is rather ugly. I like Jamie Foxx. But that pic smells like chitlins and bad breath. 🤣