What's a "Susan Sarandon"?

or for that matter...a "Shalamar"?


That's on a need to know basis and you don't.


Shalamar? Eddie Murphy. 1997. Google it.

Still curious about that Susan Sarandon though..


Shalamar were a 70s/80's RnB group. Not the tranny that Eddie picked up. I wanna know about what you get if you "pay for a Shalamar" vs. "pay for a Susan Sarandon"

It's funny because there's a very similar conversation in the movie Maniac (1980) where the hooker is reading her menu off to her potential John, and saying something like "french style for this much...around the world for this much"
(I'm assuming "around the world" meant "greek" or anal, but that's a hole other story.


Around the world means you get to do everything.

Iโ€™ve, uh, heard. ๐Ÿ˜


tnx, that answers one question

.. now whats "Greek" ?


Refers to anal sex, primarily between men.


ah ye , makes semse


If you pay for a Shalamar it means you get a chick with a dick. This stuff ain't rocket science.


Maybe something about her menu? I was curious as well. She Carradine for $50. We know he died choking himself jerking off, so a Carradine is some crazy request to jerk off, whip or peg. A Sarandon is probably a prim and proper behavior. I know a girl who is a stripper and does "favours". She gets all kinds of crazy requests.


At the risk of derailing my own thread....Please...tell me more about these requests.


Is it a โ€œfavorโ€ Iโ€™d sheโ€™s paid for it? ๐Ÿค”


I haven't seen this but I suspect a "Susan Sarandon" is a "Karen", or some derivative of that.


Not even close. In this movie a Susan Sarandon is a sexual position.


Yeah, some sexual position with a Karen.


just admit that you're wrong and shouldn't comment on something you haven't seen


Sorry, but the promo pic for the movie smells like black guys with intense bad breath stank and I have no intention of ever seeing this movie.


Of course you don't, you racist POS


I'm not racist. I'm watching "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" as we speak.

How would these folks feel if a bunch of white fools referred to a degrading sex act as a "Halle Berry"?


You're obsessed with race.


Look dude, I revere Jamie Foxx. He's one of the greatest actors alive right now. He fucks Will Smith in the ass.

But I will not be seeing this movie, thank you very much.


I want to know as well! Love Susan Sarandon!


Susan Sarandon? Sounds like plain missionary to me...
Btw. it is funny how this movie is trending because of nothing but this mysterious script line. ๐Ÿ˜‰


This is what Urban dictionary has to say:

Shes the red headed bitch that gets fucked in all the movies. Also does a lot of charity work with the dick.
"Did you see that movie? She got Susan Sarandon'ed"


Infesting but that makes no sense in the context of the film. How does that translate into a sexual position?


It may just be something they made up that sounds funny but has no meaning.


They are probably code words that locals use somewhere. It's like in Oceans 11 when they say they need "a Jim Brown, "a Miss Daisy, 2 Jethro's, a Leon Spinks & an Ella Fitzgerald". Or mafia shows like Sopranos who have code words for everything in case they are listening.
