Enjoyed the banter between the Bloods (Jethro Bodine)
The way the four of them, including David, spoke to each other with certain phrases and specific wordplay was quite enjoyable. Most black families has that older relative who speaks in that same exuberant way. When Paul states the line, "We don't die, we....." pause for dramatic/comedic effect, "Multiply" I chuckled because most only know that phrase from the late Robin Harris who re-popularized it from Bebe's Kids.
The four of them spoke like they were all products of and very familiar with the sixties and seventies. One funny line for me was the one referring to a soldier that they saved from a landmine. Paul states, "Jethro Bodine". If you know your TV trivia you would recognize the character name from the Beverly Hillbillies. At another point Paul calls Eddie, "Banker Drysdale". It is flourishes and details like that which made me appreciate this movie even more. π