The final episode dropped the ball.
I quite liked the scene where John Bellasis spills the beans about Charles Pope being legitimate to Susan Trenchard and then laughs in her face when she suggests that they marry as she has money and she is pregnant with his child. The stupid bugger should have taken up her offer. Did he really think he would get away with killing Charles Pope even if he had managed to get it done ?
But I didn't like Oliver Trenchard who had been the most unlikable character in the first five episodes being turned into the hero of the piece at the attempted drowning.
And then the scenes where his wife the newly canonised Saint Susan smooths Oliver's troubled brow and tells him everything is going to be alright as she speedily covers her tracks. Strictly speaking neither of them deserved a happy ending and they shouldn't have got one.
Also Charles Pope and Lord Brockenhurst finding out who Charles was off camera wasn't good. And the marriage scene was a little clumsy as well " Together we are invincible ! " What were they super heroes ? Why not use the old faithful " I'm the happiest man alive ! " cliched yes but a lot more appropriate than an overblown and odd claim of invincibilty.