Only in the present era this movie would be considered worthy for an Oscar nomination for best picture
As much as i like revenge flicks this is moronic beyond belief, so many problems with this movie let start with the cheesy dialogue which sound extract from the first season of Buffy all snappy and "funny" in a way normal people don’t talk ¿do the person who wrote this have ever had a conversation with another human being?
Everybody is out of character here, everybody is all over the place, nobody look like they have any consistency at all except a little bit for the protagonist the rest are just cartoonish evil or token character like the black trans (her voice is too deep i think is a men) friend, feel like her only purpose in the movie is show us the main character is not racist because her only friend is black (that is the only black character in the movie, the other one is a rapist, so maybe I’m not so far from the true)
Every men is evil this deserve is own section all men are sick monster, licking their lips when they see a drunk woman like the sick sex driven immoral monster the director think that we are, no men have moral, sense of decency or compassion or empathy for any woman, (BTW no any woman have empathy for other woman either they only are capable of feel empathy for men's in this bizarre universe) the only men in the beginning that show any normal range of human emotion end up being rapist and abuser which considered themselves "good guys" everybody who call himself a good guy is literal a rapist in this movie, yeah the director is not subtle in his message, to be honest i was in shock in the end because they don’t reveal the father have a collection of teenage girls corpses in the basement and the protagonist only was living with her parents because she was protecting her mother, the fact the director let go a man without show him as a monster was a surprise for me, i still was expecting some end credits scenes like in the Marvel movies were they would reveal the father was the Pizza gate president or something. But he was too eager to forget her daughter not even ask the police to make their investigation, another male acting out of character, so in the end he is also a douche
Not forget deep down every men is just a coward pig afraid of an independent woman capable of look him in the eyes and talk, only that is enough to make EVERY MAN in the planet piss his pant and cry, every male is just a cartoon with no consistency at all, a guy who apparently honestly cared for a drunk girl and asked for a car to take her to her home in the middle of the way decided he want to rape her (because why not, after all we are pig, remember) so he take her to his apartment no before left evidence that could incriminate him like the taxi driver who is a witness she was a unwilling drunk who barely speak and not only that he let digital evidence he took the girl to his apartment and not to her house which was his original destination, but of course the driver don’t give a damm because he is a man, but he is still a witness and if charges are presented he very probably would say to the police what just happen that night. Or maybe not, apparently accordingly with the writter/director we men have a kind of global fraternity which we all belong and automatically protect each other when we rape or murder a woman doesn’t matter if that make us accomplished of some crime we don’t commit and could destroy our life, that don’t matter if we see a death woman we just jump in and help our fellow brother Men/rapist/murder to dispose the body, we just are always ready to shop a human corpse, take it to the woods and burned down without remorse or at least shadow of a doubt (because why not, after all we are pig, remember) that is the only purpose of the fraternity thought, we are going to talk a little more about this kind of secret organization run by the patriarchy in the last part
Every men is only a monster drive for his sick sexual lust can't even think rationally make every type of mistake like pick random drunk girls an take them to the home of his parent were he live to raped them while mom is making cookie in the kitchen of course the guy have not car so they need to walk because we are all are pigs and the director can't lost an opportunity to show us how much men despite woman, is let clear the black dude who live with his parent don’t considered the girl deserve not even the cost to a taxi to take her to the rape hole he just pretend grab this drunk, almost unconscious, unknown woman all the way to the street until his house, yeah that is how moronic this (Oscar nominated to best picture) movie is the fact the male character show themselves comfortable doing this kind of stuff is indicative they are use to it, they rape drunk woman after drunk woman