MovieChat Forums > Leaving Neverland (2019) Discussion > Why these guys have no credibility as vi...

Why these guys have no credibility as victims

I don't know whether MJ is innocent or not but one thing I do know is that these guys have no credibility and do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, for many reasons -

1. Always about money - do you know what would've been a first? If these guys came out with their story and said - we don't want any money, we just want the truth to be known. That would've been believable. But there's always copious amounts of money involved, $100 million in this case.

2. Wade dating MJ's niece Brandi as a teenager (setup by MJ himself) - conveniently left out of his story and all of his interviews. If there is no agenda other than telling the truth, why leave out this important piece of information?

3. Lying in court - I don't buy this whole 'we didn't know we were being abused' story. If you didn't think it was abuse, then why lie about it in court as a fully grown adult?

4. MJ putting Wade on the stand - makes no sense that MJ would put one of his victims on the stand that could have a mental breakdown at any point and have him jailed for life. Again, it doesn't add up.

5. Wade desperately wanting to be part of the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil show in 2011 and getting rejected. Funny how his realization of getting abused came out after getting rejected for the show. Wade's stance on MJ conveniently always revolves around money. If there's a financial incentive, he defends Michael. After the well runs dry, he suddenly turns into a victim and sues for $100 million.

6. Inconsistent testimonies from both accusers - Safechuck claiming he was abused in the train station which wasn't built for several years after the abuse had already stopped. There's no way around this inconsistency.

7. No physical evidence at all - no dna/soiled underwear, no specific description of MJ's intimate parts that only an abuse victim would know, no pictures/video, explicit messages, eye witnesses. Absolutely nothing. And when you have none of these things, your credibility must be analysed. And these guys have none whatsoever.

This culture of believing victims with zero evidence and credibility has to stop, because one day it might be one of us on the receiving end. It's a dangerous road to go down.


The most ironic thing regarding when people say "I don't know if he's innocent or not" is you can literally say that about anyone & given the fact of the incessant decades long overt and covert investigations, surveillance & surprise raids unveiling nothing with the FBI admitting there was nothing incriminating to be found , further solidifying the case of Jackson's innocence, & in fact makes his innocence more definitive than the average random person.


Your arguments are solid and have been discussed many time in the past.
There are still many who will not accept these facts and will base their arguments on little more than stereotypical thinking that anyone who has such an interest in a child must be guilty of something.
Michaels actions didn't help his case much as he acted in ways that would be easily misinterpreted as acts of guilt. I doubt that there has been anyone who has come under more scrutiny and yet the prosecution has still come up so empty handed.
What has struck ME so badly is the fact that this case seemed to be less about kids who were abused and more about convicting Jackson. Point being that Corey Feldman who was a friend of Jackson and an actual abuse victim himself, could offer NO information about ANY abuses by Jackson but he could indeed offer evidence of his own abusers. THESE abuses were ignored.
Its quite true that each of the abusers could ultimately be traced down to a motive for profit and gain. I agree, nobody would wait until adulthood and suddenly come to the realization that they were abused; especially when they previously spoke more than highly about their alleged abuser. There is nothing rational about that.
This is such a clear case of trying to profit off a man who couldn't defend himself after death. Its a slimy thing to do, period.
Your closing statement says a great deal. It has become far too easy to destroy a persons life and career with false accusations. Teachers coaches and others have been destroyed by such accusations. These ride on the coattails of accusations that sadly are true. False accusations screws up the waters for Real victims and also innocent people who are accused. It capitalizes on peoples emotions and often overrules objective thinking. It wastes time in our courts and I will say it again. It destroys lives.
I dont want to see any kids life destroyed by abuse but I fail too see any evidence of the 2 in this mocumentary had their lives destroyed


I definitely believe Wade is lying. James Safechuck however is telling the truth with some embellishments. James was named a victim by years before he admitted to being abused. Basically a Neverland staff member spoke to Dianne Diamond (reporter) and talked about how they saw James being abused as a kid years and years ago.

Wade is just an opportunist. His interactions were brief with Jackson and wasn't sexually abused by Jackson. Neither were the Arvizo brothers.

So who did Jackson sexually abuse? Jordan Chandler, James Safechuck and likely Brett Barnes. Also Jackson molested the son of a Mexican gardener when he lived at his parents house in 1982 (this was talked about in Diane Diamond's book). Jackson was a pedophile but he didn't molest every boy he hung around with.

Wade is aware that Jackson did molestations though at the ranch and was hoping to cash in and claim to be a victim years later.

James Safechuck I think deserves a settlement and of course counselling because he WAS a victim. Wade is just full of shit.


So your evidence for Safechuck being a victim is a Neverland staff member talking to a reporter? Where is this report? Was the staff member paid for talking to the reporter? What is the reputation of the reporter? What was the evidence presented?

You just wrote a whole load of nonsense with zero evidence. This is not how you convict people of heinous crimes. Have some shame.
