Ugly Bald-Headed British Prick
Apparently the director of this sensationalist film is "shocked that people still don't think Michael Jackson is an abuser".
What a pompous arrogant dipshit.
Maybe you’re documentary simply wasn't effective enough pal. Maybe you’re not as good a filmmaker as you think you are. I've spoken to several, quite rational, people who have told me they weren't convinced by the documentary and found it to be one-sided, and that bias caused them to question it.
I chose not to see the documentary, but I was prepared to believe the posters here who told me they were convinced by it. However speaking to people in the real world, people with very good jobs, wives, children, and rational beliefs and politics, I was surprised to discover that they were left unconvinced. I trust these people. They're more rational than me (and yes, I was inclined to believe Jackson's guilt based on the media response and posts here, without having seen the film).
Anyway, it's not for this stocky bald-headed British prick (and why are these pompous mudslingers always white British assholes?) to judge the people who weren't convinced by his film. He should take the criticism with more dignity instead of taking it personally, as if anyone who still likes Jackson's wonderful music is making a negative judgement on his, apparently mediocre, abilities as a documentation. Asshole.