Hmm, not sure about the ending
I thought this was a great movie but I’m not convinced the semi-ambiguous ending was the best way to go.
I think it would have been stronger to end on the cosmic explosion - that way the film makes its point about love involving taking a leap into the unknown with someone. They don’t know what will happen and neither do we.
The ending they went for is positive, they seem to have freed themselves from the loop Groundhog style, but then we pan up to the dinosaurs and it leaves you scratching your head. I love me some David Lynch but something this abstract doesn’t fit this kind of film. Are they dead, trapped in another realm, back in the real world and these were just expressionistic dinosaurs?
Some might say ‘it doesn’t matter where they are, what matters is that they’re together’ but where does that leave Roy? Will he end up in another realm on his own? What implications does that have for his family?