This is Why physical Media is So Important
In Search of Darkness did have a limited Blu-Ray release, unfortunately, it was very expensive. It was later released on the Shudder streaming service, which is where I found it.
I recently went back to watch it, only to find it removed and not available on any streaming services. This is why I'm such a believer in physical media, because a film that you love, but don't own, can be taken down at any time and without a decent physical release, can make the film pretty much become lost media.
I understand limited editions of movies, with posters and stickers etc. It's fun for the fans. But for those that aren't as well off, just give us a bog-standard version, that way we don't miss out when the streaming services decide to remove them. I know it's probably not as simple as that, but it would be nice. This Blu-Ray release was special edition only, unfortunately and there was no bog-standard version.
Just a wee rant I wanted to get out there.