America has two moms and they both got sucked into an alternate universe that she can’t find to reunite with them.
How much you want to be the woke crowd pisses and moans that the message is having two moms is depicted here as awful and their punishment was to be removed from America’s world?
Oh, you'd be amazed what pisses off the woke crowd nowadays. Michael Myers is now homophobic because he killed a gay couple, although up until Halloween Kills, he was murdering straight couples. He's killed like hundreds of people throughout the last 40+ years and all the movies about him, but he kills two gay people (the rest being straight) and everyone loses their minds (mainly in the woke crowd or those trying to earn bonus points with the woke crowd). 10 seconds of a movie is enough to cause the woke crowd to lose their minds. But I didn't really think of anything woke related with America Chavez having two moms. I just thought they borrowed/stole from Wonder Woman since Wonder Woman/Diana comes from an island of all women, where it's more than likely common every child has two moms (I don't read the comics, so maybe they didn't steal anything and America Chavez really does have two moms). Also, it could be like the Asari from Mass Effect. Asari are just an all-female alien race/species. I didn't really go the woke route with America Chavez having two moms. Other things came to mind. I know Marvel and DC like to go back and forth on stealing/borrowing from each other, and Wonder Woman's home came to mind. But then there is something like the Asari from Mass Effect. But the woke WILL probably lose their minds though. They flip out over the smallest thing.
The people who go crazy over 10 seconds of a film a usually right wing conservative and I’m not really talking about American ones, although they share the same “values”. The scene is why the movie is banned in countries where women and gays have little to no rights. As a a general rule, if you’re siding with on an issue in terms human rights with China, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, you’re probably one of the baddies.
Neither the OP or these other trolls even know what the term "woke" means, so of course they throw it around like it's supposed to be some kind of insult. Joke's on them----nobody cares. Next.
Hey, I just showed up and don’t know how to use my powers but I’m sure The Master of the Mystic Arts will leave the defeat of the most powerful being we’ve seen in the MCU in my hands. AMERICA PALPATINE!!!