First reviews - mixed bag
share *** **** (as expected of Empire for any mixed review MCU)
86% on Rotten Tomatoes. 65 on Metacritic.
Reviews are good for the most part, but it sounds like it's really going to divide fans as it's not the cameo packed movie some people were expecting.
*shrugs* Hey, as long as it's good.
shareYou do keep pointing to the cameos as the probable reason for division among fans. I am not sure of that. It is a truth that Marvel has been crossing over characters since the beginning in print, but I wouldn't use the term cameo in the sense of just "Fan Service". I for one do not think "Fan Service" is something inherently bad for movies in general.
The success of Marvel and the MCU has been in service to fans.
There was this one criticism pre Avengers that the box office of team movies would not be greater than the single maximum box office of the central character.
It remains to be seen if the additional characters do not serve the story and therefore tamp down the audience acceptance of the film.
Marvel's box office success has been extraordinary with B-List, C-List, and D-List IP characters.
Each release though being higher than the previous isn't a realistic expectation and not a reason to predict gloom and doom or even a misstep.
Marvel has done an excellent job in introducing characters and has an IP catalog that is huge. Having small roles brought into a film is and always has been a fun aspect of Marvel films for me personally.