Tom Cruise as Superior IronMan too good to be just a Cameo.

I’ve heard lots of rumors about Tom Cruise making a cameo as Superior IronMan in Dr Strange into the multiverse of Madness and reading about that story I thought it’s too good to be just a cameo thing.

I’d love to see a superior IronMan movie with Tom Cruise, it would take marvel into a different path and have a more loose story not that interconnected with the MCU.

I would definitely watch a superior IronMan film


Make it happen, Feige!


I enjoyed Superior Spiderman so much that I thought Superior Ironman was going to rock. Superior Ironman was meh. I'd love to see them and Cruise make it better.


Hehe, I haven’t read the comic (superior IronMan) but I heard it narrated and I thought it was pretty interesting however yes the ending is awful so yeah that’s what Kevin Feige could improve and Tom Cruise would kill it as Superior IronMan.

I also heard the narrated comic of Superior Spider-Man and thought it was way too crazy I prefered superior IronMan though superior Spider-Man had the better ending with Peter return to his own body.


Seeing Doc Ock improve on all of Spider-Man's heroics only to be bedeviled by his insanity was a brilliant story. It even made me feel bad for him. Slott gets the credit for that arc but the best issues were co-authored with Cristos Gage. Gage is the better writer.

I didn't think much of Taylor's writing in Superior Ironman. Interesting story but an unengaging read. I could see it being redeemed in film.


It would be so cool if marvel did Superior IronMan in film. It’s really something I’m interested in. Maybe if they tease the idea in the multiverse if madness and fans respond well to it we could get a whole movie.

Even one about superior Spider-Man with Alfred Molina as Dr Octopus.
I loved Alfred Molina in no way home. He was really good in SpiderMan 2 but in no way home he killed it on to whole new level.

All the SpiderMan villains were better in no way home than their previous films: the green goblin, electro and Dr Octopus were fantastic into a crazy good level. Sandman and the lizard not to so much.

But loved so much Dr octopus this Time around he was my favorite so seeing superior SpiderMan with Alfred Molina would make an incredible film.

Superior IronMan with a better ending it’s also on my superhero wish list lol. They could totally bring back Tony to be a good guy again in a better than the comic book did and I think Tom Cruise a great choice to portray Superior IronMan.

Imagine if marvel did alternate universes films.
These are the three stories I’m most interested to see in a whole movie: Superior IronMan, Superior SpiderMan and spider verse but The story of the cómic, sure simplified and a little less dark but closer to the comic.


Nah, Disney is done making Iron Man a white guy.


The only way I would want to see Tom Cruise in the MCU is if he does the same thing he did in Young Guns. Come onto screen in disguise so he is totally unrecognizable and then killed off in the first ten seconds.


Lol. 😂


Apparently he's not in the movie. Might be appearing in the role in some other Marvel project, but new leaks confirm he's not in the movie.


That’s bad news but good not all hope is lost hehe.

I found really exciting the idea of a different earth where we had a different IronMan
