Staged/fake? Something not right...
Maybe it is just modern filmmaking but everything about this felt set-up and staged for the cameras.
Even the interviewees felt like they were acting at being interviewed for a documentary.
I know it presumably happened if the guy is in jail, but the way everything was filmed. Even Skype meetings appearing like they are being acted and in perfectly good standard. Who records Skype conference calls?
The people travelling to the island recording on their phones, it all felt too clean and edited.
The mayhem on the island, locals taking people captive for ransom… didn't see any of this, just some guy running about in the dark and boasting of pissing on a tent.
And don't get me started on the Evian guy.
The fact that the company who marketed the Fyre event are also doing the film 'immortalising' it as some kind of second coming of Woodstock.
What bet by 2022 there will be a second Fyre event done properly and funded/managed properly that will make millions from gullible millennials off the back of this hype.