Racist double standard

How few people accuse this movie of racism even though it doesn't feature any Black people and only one very minor side character of colour. If a movie about White people had such lack of diversity it would have been an outrage. But if it's a movie about Asians it gets a pass. Just another example of how exclusion is oppression only when White people do it.


Your point is as true as true can be. Its unfortunate that society is this way.

When black panther came out and did great, there was sooooo much emphasis on it being a great movie for people of color. About finally a big budget movie is mostly people of color. The movie was pretty dang good, idk why we had to emphasize in that direction.


Hollywood has been making about one Asian-themed film every ten years, and still the white-fragility crowd is outraged by its existence.


There is no such thing as White fragility. Whites are taking it up the ass big time from all the media, academia and entertainment industry and the most you see is a few people complaining on the internet. Meanwhile say something borderline offensive about minorities and all hell breaks lose. Who's really fragile?

Shang Chi is an American movie made mostly for Western audience so your arguments doesn't work. How many people do you see Chinese making for White people?


"Whites are taking it up the ass big time from all the media, academia and entertainment industr"

Oh honey, if you want to see white fragility, look in the mirror.


So when your ethnic group is openly under attack from all the mainstream institutions, speaking against it is "fragility"?? No other ethnic group is under attack like Whites, yet they are still (mostly) silent about it.


If you're feeling attacked, it's because you know damn well you don't deserve any of the privileges you claim.

You're being so ridiculous, that even other white people like me are embarrassed by you!


There are no White privileges. Other White people like you have been brainwashed to hate themselves and look at everything from the perspective of minorities for the last 60 years. You even refuse to see when your own ethnic group is being openly attacked. Your opinion is irrelevant.


Oh bullshit. I don't hate myself or white people specifically, what I hate is unearned privilege! I see a hell of a lot of it in this sorry world, and it's funny how heavily white the unearned-priveleged demographic is. Everyone can see it but you, and people like you, people want to believe that they deserve the best jobs, the nicest real estate, the highest social positions, the most deference, the best schools, the fewest obstacles, etc. But anyone else who looks at you can see you're no better than anyone else, worse in a lot of obvious ways, because your utter cluelessness about what other people face makes you worse.

Yeah, I'm white, but I'm not the sort of white person who's included in most of the privileges you take for granted. I can see what's what.


Name me a single artificial social mechanism that elevates Whites and pushes down non Whites. If White privilege is a thing, it should be an easy task. Just because some ethnic groups have it better than others doesn't mean there is foul play. Or do you want to admit there is also Asian and Jewish privilege?

Obstacles? Can you name me a single one? Like affirmative action maybe? Or diversity quotas? How about that law that says minority owned businesses have advantage in getting government contracts? If anyone is privileged, it's Black and brown people.


You'll never pull your head out of your ass and see what other people have to put up with, your world view is limited to your own shit.

And that means you're too stupid to be worth this much time, so fuck off.


Oh please tell me what do other people have to put up with. I will destroy it with my pinkie finger.

Can't argue against me so engage in ad hominem fallacy. Typical for anti racist ideologues.


You're hung like a mouse. I can sense it even through the computer screen, your tinydick energy is so strong!


What do you know?
You married a lesbian.
