How racist are we talking?

I got a few articles in my newsfeed in the past few weeks calling old Shang-Chi comics "problematic" and basically a stereotypical Asian types & all that

I get those times were different. That was just "normal" for them. Not defending it all & I'm NOT one of those people who gets offended by things from the past.

Just wondering, how bad was it though? Genuinely asking anyone who knows.


I've no idea. I'm guessing it used a lot of 'Yellow Peril' styled villains.


Same. I'm really not THAT familiar with Shang-Chi. Seen him in a few things & games but really don't know that much about him. When it came to marvel, I was more of a Spidey, X-Men & Fantastic 4 kinda kid growing up.

But yeah, that's my guess too. I would've never even know about it if it wasn't for articles bringing it up & trying to "hold Marvel accountabl" or some sh*t like that.

Also, I'm not saying it's ok but I feel like a bunch of old Marvel & DC comics are gonna look "offensive" or "problematic" if you look at them from today's perspective. Ya know?


It could be worse. It's not like they're calling it Ching Chang Chinaman.


Good point. 😂
