tell everyone?
shareCandyman doesn't exist unless there are people that believe in him. I took it as a message to keep the legend alive.
share*and as a way to shoehorn in Tony Todd
shareYes lol. 100% this. I would've been fine with them leaving him out of it entirely.
shareI would have been fine with Tony Todd being the antagonist. Instead we got an incoherent mess with pretensions of Something Deep. Which is impossible when there is no room for any subtext in your art because you couldn’t make choices.
shareYes. I think you hit it on the head in another post where you said something along the lines of not having the confidence of making this an unrelated standalone film. IMO The woke crowd they're targeting probably weren't OG Candyman viewers nor care for the film itself. Using the franchise as a ticket draw was a strange choice to say the least.