Is it worth watching?

Couldn't decide from the trailer if it was stereotypical or if it had the potential to be good.


It's OK for a one-time watch - the lead actress is hot and does a good job, as do a couple of the supporting cast. But it has a very weak script that borders at times on ridiculous. It's about supernatural possession and exorcism, so except all the cliches - sudden movements, (weak) jump scares, the possessed mutilating themselves etc. Add to this an underlying feminist empowerment trope that's, thankfully, done without attacking the male characters or sanctimonious preaching.

I cut a lot of slack for horrors, esp. possession flicks, so rated this a generous 6. I could also see someone rating this as low as 4 for some of things that happen in the end. Don't expect anything original or scary like 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' and you'll be fine.


I just saw Exorcism of Emily Rose - didn't get the love for it. My favorite exorcism movies are The Exorcist and Exorcist 3. I also liked The Rite. I'll probably pass on this one. I found a list of possession movies and some of them I want to check out. Those being The Medium and The Devils Doorway.


Damn, you are the first person I've talked horror movies with who doesn't like Emily Rose!

With this one tho, yeah, you're missing nothing special. There's dozens of similar supernatural horrors that have been released over the years that fall between a 3-5 rating in IMDb, due to retreading this sub-genre without any originality and low production values. I liked The Rite too. Haven't heard of the last 2 in your list, will check them out.


Yo let me know what you think of the trailers for those two. I don't have high hopes that the Devil's Doorway will be amazing, but the gimmick of the 1:1 format has me sold. I doubt they'll even use that format to it's full potential - I still need to see it though.

Not an exorcism movie, but First Reformed involving a priest and shot in 1:1 had incredible cinematography


Both of those trailers were good. I'm a huge fan of Asian horrors done right. Will let you know once I watch them, cheers for the recommendation.


Hey Chip, so I watched the movie The Medium and had mixed feelings about it. Left a comment/review in that movie's board if you're interested (no spoilers). Have you watched the movie yet?

Have the Devil's Doorway on my list. If you have any other Asian horror suggestion, let me know, I'm a huge fan.


Thanks for the update. I will head there and check it out. I haven't watched the movie yet, but the scene in the trailer with the security footage and Grudge like creature was scary af.

I tried watching Devil's Doorway, but it got really lame and almost conjuring esque with dialogue like "wanna play???" The camera work was good sometimes but unrealistic other times. Great set and costume design though.


I absolutely HATED The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I found it boring and not even close to scary or suspenseful. Just boring.


If that's how you feel, that's how you feel, man. I love everything about the movie - both the horror story and the legal drama. Laura Linney, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Wilkinson were all great in it, as was the prosecuting lawyer and everyone else. I think the script and acting were among the best in any horror flick I've seen in my lifetime.

Movie spooked me when I first saw it and I still freak out a little if I wake up at 3 am sometimes lol.


I'm with you Aries.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is a great film.




Scott Derrickson is a great director.

Hellraiser: Inferno (2000) - I haven't seen this in years but it used to be my favorite Hellraiser film after the first two.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) - One of the best exorcism films. One of the best horror films from the 00s.

Sinister (2012) - Brilliant horror film. One of the best of the 2010s.

The Black Phone (2022) - A very good film. One of the best from last year.

He also directed Deliver Us From Evil (2014) which I haven't seen.

I was delighted when I heard he'd be directing a segment in the next V/H/S anthology. Not sure how they managed to get him involved but with him and David Bruckner directing segments I'm very hopeful it'll be good.


Agreed. Deliver us from Evil is pretty good, with the 2 solid leads - Eric Bana and Edger Ramirez, who have great chemistry on screen. Not very scary, but well done and entertaining. You won't be disappointed.

Haven't seen Hellraiser Inferno, will check it out. I only watched the first Hellraiser and have been wanting to look up the sequels, same as Halloween. Good to hear about the upcoming V/H/S - a few subpar segments aside, the series has been awesome overall.


Regarding Hellraiser, you need to watch Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) as well. It's one of those sequels that some people hold on par with the first. The first two Hellraisers are the consensus best. After that it's a bit murky and divisive, I really need to revisit the sequels myself but I do know Hellraiser: Inferno which is the fifth film in the franchise was my favorite post-II quite comfortably.

As for Halloween, you've only seen the 1978 original?

The first four Halloweens are regulars in my rewatch cycle. Those are the must watch entries. After that the series is still decent but a bit more up and down. 1, 2 & 4 is a great Michael Myers trilogy with 3 being a great standalone horror film.


I think I've only seen Halloween H20 in that series, not even the original - not proud of that lol (I did know about the background story tho).

Been wanting to watch both the series from the start, in sequence as you're supposed to. I get a bit wary of franchises that have too many sequels, esp. in horror, where the ratings steadily plummet the further you go. The latest Hellraiser got shitty reviews, so it wasn't exactly encouraging either.

I'll add them to my list and watch them this year, thanks for the recommendation.

What about Friday the 13th? I saw that Jason X movie (in space) around 20 years ago and liked it despite how campy it was. That series worth watching?


I love Friday the 13th. In fact it might be my all time favorite franchise but then I have a lot of nostalgia for it and the slasher sub-genre is my favorite sub-genre in all of cinema. I was a slasher fan first and foremost then delved into other horror sub-genres.

It depends, if you like slasher films (especially of the 80s variety) then it's a must watch franchise. Very formulaic but a real treat if you're into the sub-genre. It's probably the first franchise that comes to mind when I think 'slasher'. It's the archetypal slasher franchise, a pure blood example of the sub-genre.

If you don't like slasher films then truth be told probably not. Especially if you prefer more modern horror films, I know that their are some people who find films from the 1980s to be dated.


I'm glad you enjoyed it 😊 I thought Jennifer Carpenter's performance was spot on but I just couldn't get into it. I have always been a Laura Linney and Tom Wilkinson fan. If you haven't seen "In the Bedroom" with Tom in it, I highly recommend it. He and Sissy Spacek are wonderful.

The Exorcist scared the hell out of me, no pun intended. I was dumb and paused the moment when that horrible demon face flashed on the screen during Father Karras' dream. I wanted to see what it was and dang I regretted it! Scared me so bad I immediately turned on all the lights and slept with one on, lol. And I was in my 20's!



Haven't seen In the Bedroom, but do like Tom W a lot and will check it out. Got him in the same league as guys like Gene Hackman, Giovanni Ribisi, Karl Urban and Michael Fassbender - you know if these guys are in a flick, it will be worth watching no matter the rating.


its fine
