Wtf this movie just so bad. It was pretty ok for but of it, set up some decent tension. But the last half hour it just goes completely stupid and makes no sense.
Plot hole moment is Liberty has her friend come over and she tells her all the weird shit that’s been happening and that the guy touched her Donald trump style and while she was on her period. Her friend is like oh hell no I’m going up to speak to your mum. So she goes up and then 20 seconds later it just cuts to a completely new scene and it’s night time (was at most midday in previous scene) and liberty asks her mum where Marley went and she’s like oh she went home ages ago you were asleep.... like what? What kind of piss poor writing hack job is that. They obviously had no idea what to do with this character and rather than just cut the scenes they create a giant plot hole of somehow liberty doesn’t go up and check on her friend, and we are meant to believe not only did she not wait for her friend but went to her bedroom and proceeded to go to sleep even though moments earlier she was begging her friend for help.
It was such a horribly written/directed moment.
The next one is that the mum isn’t being controlled by the bad guy and is legit just a horrible desperate person who can’t find love? Yet it’s mena suvari playing the character and looks hot in the film and while quirky does not strike as type who would have trouble getting a guy and seems is maybe a famous romance author? Not sure. But rather than believe her daughter who she is shown loving dearly early in the movie, she slaps her and says she is lying about the guy licking her period blood off his fingers.
Then the movie ends with what seems like the bad guy winning and locking the girl in a water prison to drown? It’s all very stupid and way way way to confusing because just no information is given at all and get a lot of stuff dumped on us at the end that has had no build up and is just there suddenly.
Honestly have no idea how this movie was green lit since it obviously never had a real ending planned and there are decent plot holes in it to make it nonsensical at the end.