
What a nasty little bitch! I feel bad for her for what her mother did to her, but what she did to the man that killed her mom is horrible! She used him and now that he did what she wanted she has nothing to do with him! She should rot in jail just as long as he does.


Unfortunately she is not. She out here running amok making tiktoks, threatening creators, hinting at harming people once she’s no longer on parole, faking pregnancies, grifting and scamming and just being a menace. No one even likes this woman. Her book was a fail and Ken dumped her. You can tell she’s a mess without having a man by how she’s been lately in interviews. Dumpsy needs a man to feel complete. She needs something to manipulate at all times. She’s violated parole ten times over and needs to go back to fucking prison


I could not agree with you more! What a vile POS.
