In retrospect...

I don't think that it was meant to be taken that seriously, at least not as much as people these days take the sci-fi genre. You can tell by how they play androids, the costumes, the weird religion thing and Travis Fimmel is onboard probably just because he looks like a weirdo and is a nice addition to the overall weirdness. For me it evokes the old school sci-fi of 50s and before, when it was more about imagination and less about making sense.

But really, the pacing is horrid. Too much stuff happens in some episodes and segments and too little in others. I hope they fix this in the second season and keep it weird, pulpy and imaginative without being too stupid.


I have to say I was disappointed with the last few episodes, it began well enough, I found the earth flashbacks interesting, but Travis Fimmel just seems like a Westworld MiB clone to me, whilst so much wasn’t explained efficiently enough or glossed over.


Feels like they going the Lost route.

You get a mystery box! You get a mystery box! You get a mystery box! ERRRRRRYBODY GETS A MYSTERY BOX!!!


Yes, but this time is a proper sci-fi and they can get away with everything, even evoking God himself at the end.


In... your opinion. And in current time.

I don't think that it was meant to be taken that seriously, at least not as much as people these days take the sci-fi genre.
Dis tho... How dare these people?! So unacceptable! This unrealistic genre started being taken more seriously over time like many sci-fi novels and stories were always meant to? Pftt! Real, super serious film fans know only overpraised wise guys flicks focusing on troglodyte sleaze balls, glossy and mundane anglo-driven period pieces, doom and gloom arthouse flicks, your 2001: A Space Odysseys and Blade Runners (wait a minute...), and basically anything that ISN’T inclusive, fantastical and special effects-laden regardless of how well-crafted and satisfying a lot of it apparently is (especially virtually everything modern and that’s supposedly all superhero stuff... look at me being smart, edgy and original going after the biggest IP’s today in kewl contrarian boomer xoomer fashion, awe yea... that haunts me and offends my snobbish sensibilities as well as the maga chud-disapproved stuff that also triggers us ultra-fragile proud boys type big time) should be taken super seriously.

Blah. I see where you’re coming from, like many of the fascistic klown bridgade on this site. What?! Okay boomer!


You should acquaint yourself with the history of sci-fi, especially the American variety. Then you will know what I meant.


Because of the producer involved and some similarities to Aliens (like the white milk) do we expect to see this series somehow tying in with Prometheus or Alien Covenant? This planet they on could be another type of Founders planet or test location.


I doubt it, but one can never be sure. Old age has taken its toll on Ridley Scott.
