Spoiler alert - the ending
I really got into the show.
I see bullying like this at work sometimes. Not as planned and clever, but it happens, and I thought it to be a good Public Service Announcement (PSA) about it.
The ending however sucked.
The writers think they're clever and think it would be a good to let the viewers imagination fill in the blanks and come up with their own ending.
BULLSHIT! all you did was piss off most of the viewers.
Look, the audience wants to put their mind on idle and have you take us through your story.
Like going on a roller-coaster ride. It's on rails and we can't decide which way to go, but it has its ups and downs and turns and is exciting. It also ahas an end and we know when to get off.
But you don't just end the track and fling the viewer into the abyss at the end.
I think he took the $ at the end because he smirked and looked at the $1000000 book title.
But still the ending sucked.