it was visually good (big budget) and colourful but
interlectually lacking, as in things were just happening simply because they looked cool...
zero sense, zero logic and zero fucks given...

with only 9 episodes, way too much time was wasted on the retro themed episodes..

Wanda mind fucks a whole town and I'm supposed to sympathize with her..

Rambeau is still useless, irrelevant and annoying...

it had potential, was vaguely entertaining and inconsistent.

overall it's a 5/10⭐ rating for me..


I read posts like yours and wonder if you even watched the show, or if you're just for some reason opposed to Marvel, or Disney, or some particular actor or group or whatever. If you did watch, and sincerely believe what you wrote, the best I can say to you is that you'd do better with less intellectual fare. There are plenty of reality shows and sit-coms geared towards your level of comprehension. And if you are biased by some political or emotional belief, just let it go. Life is too short to be spent enraged about what the perceived villains to your heroes are doing.


you taking this way too personal..!
and talking absolute nonsense at the same time...








You’re going with “interlectually”?


The AVENGERS movies they'll be making moving forward require you to basically be up on your Disney+ shows like this to fully get them and that includes SHE HULK as well.. I have a feeling the New AVENGERS movies aren't going to be as good as what we've seen in the past: No build up like the other movies with the Stones and they're just throwing in DR. DOOM without any buildup on this either AND played By RDJ which will be confusing in itself
