MovieChat Forums > Loki (2021) Discussion > Another women doing all the work, men ta...

Another women doing all the work, men take all the credit narrative (spoilers)

The man (He Who Remains) betrayed the leader of his army, the woman won the war for him. Because clearly HWR is useless and his power is not needed to defeat his variants. A woman without any power or insight of technologies was the key to his victory, and she alone was more than enough to defeat all his variants.

"We (women) don't need him", that is the message, it is more important than the plot integrity apparently.

I don't even know why I bother.

I skipped through to the ending and it is pointless.

It is just so lazy, Loki's new found power, without explanation where it came from, just suddenly Loki could support infinite number of timelines and solved all of the problems, the end.


And to think of it the whole plot is quite silly really. It basically is that HWR let Sylvie kill him, which he did not have to, he could have killed both Loki and Sylvie easily.

And HWR knew the temporal loom he built would overload once he died, but it is a fail-safe, once overloaded it will kill off all other time lines, so whether he is dead or not makes very little difference.

So Loki would have to save him and kill Sylvie because of that no difference. In the process he taught Loki a lesson, the fact he should not and could not be killed because of the no difference his existence made.

Well, there is going to be one difference, all the other variants of him would survive and come after him, so he finally can have the war he has been trying to avoid.

So the whole show is a plot device to introduce Kang.

It is as stupid and pointless as it can be.


What are you talking about? Both gods of time are ultimately men. A female character screwed everything up by her intent to kill the first god. The main villains in the show were women.


They kind of have to be men, neither 'He Who Remains' or Kang are the names of women.


They wrote it that way. These aren't pre-existing characters.


Kang was, they only created 'He Who Remains',


Okay? The God of time is still a man that gets replaced by another man.


Both are black, which was not the case in comic books.

The show is very heavy on identity politics, that is quite clear.


Loki isn't black. Why do you want to be offended so badly? I'm so bored with outrage politics.


Because I was offended, can't pretend I was not. This is a stupid and pointless show even without identity politics.

And I hate people pretending identity politics did not ruin Marvel movies and TV shows after Disney took over.


But you are LOOKING for reasons to be offended and they aren't even legitimate reasons. Whining about women in a show where men are the main stars.

How dare women be portrayed as not needing a man?! Only men get to be portrayed as though they don't need women! It just shows how insecure you are.


But you ARE the one actually LOOKING for excuses, for politically reasons, so far you are not even talking about the quality of the show.

Anyway, you are obviously started this whole conversation due to politics, and I am done with you.


Of course you're done with me. You can't handle actually being challenged on your stupid post of which I am the ONLY ONE who answered.


Popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity.

I take pride in having different and unpopular opinions.

If too many people agree with me, that usually means that particular view of mine is pedestrian.


or stupid.


Majority of people are stupid.

But anyway, it is time to put you on ignore list.


What a snowflake. Just shut out anyone who doesn't agree with you so you only hear what you want.
