a review
share GRADE: C –
"An unappealing and dull biopic on the disgraced televangelist Tammy BakKer, who with her slimy showman business partner husband, Jim Bakker (Andrew Garfield, miscast in a role he doesn’t get into), sold-out Christianity with their hypocrisy so they can benefit materialistically from their phony religious messaging. Tammy died in 2007."
"If you bought into the film’s attempt to clear her name because her bad guy hubby brainwashed her, you might as well call yourself an easy mark and let it go at that."
"I believe the producers made this superficial film so Chastain can win the Oscar with such a hammy role that many Oscar voters usually fall for, and if she does I’ll be pissed she won it for playing such a meaningless character in such a meaningless film."