cute movie

Just watched this over my quarantine weekend and thought it was cute. It took me a minute to realize where I saw these two actors before and when I realized they were both from 'Christmas with Holly' I was really happy.

It's the same old Hallmark format but for some reason, it never matters when you like the actors and situations shown.

My only complaint is the ex girlfriend misdirection going on. Some cliché plots irritate me to no end and this one bothered me more than normal. It's such a soap opra-y way to do things with the mis-hearing of phone calls and walking in at a weird minute. and when you have family, friends, and the guy himself saying nothing is going on repeatedly, there comes a point where the girl starts to look like an idiot. but that's just me.

Overall; very cute movie.


I am tempted to watch this one when I get the chance. I've been reading about it and I can visualize a lot of it from other Hallmark movies as I read. What sounds inviting to me is the dog angle. I take it that it's Justice the boxer on the poster for the film. So I gather that Justice brings the two together in that knowing way that dogs do in Christmas dog movies.


Funny you posted this, it was just on last night and I watched it with my mom.

Justice has the best face. But sadly (some spoiler ahead) she doesn't play a huge role. Actually, I feel like Justice kinda disappears halfway thru the movie. But I feel like that is what Hallmark movies do. They are either going to play up an angle until it's bashed over your head or they will have a cute angle and do nothing with it. but all the same, it's a cute watch.


It's a shame Justice isn't in it that much. I've seen a lovely pic of Justice just as she has leapt into the arms of Jeri Brown playing Sheri.
