MovieChat Forums > Evil (2019) Discussion > Leaving Broadcast Network, Moving To Par...

Leaving Broadcast Network, Moving To Paramount+ Streaming

Evil had much stronger ratings when it ran on Netflix than when it originally aired as a broadcast prime time show. The Netflix audience response was much more aligned with Evil’s enthusiastic critical ratings. So the show is moving to the Paramount+ streaming platform. I will endure the gluteal pain of adding Paramount+ to my cable service. Not only do I love the show; I’m also hoping that moving off-broadcast will allow for more mature (shall we say) content. Anyway, here’s a heads-up for my fellow fans. Still no announced premiere date.


Well, that's it then. This & Prodigal Son were literally the only Network shows that I was watching & keeping with nowadays. Prodigal got cancelled last week and Evil is moving to streaming.

I genuinely have no reason to watch Network tv anymore. Huh, it really is the End of an era.

Also, I'm with you, now that it's moving to streaming, I hope they're let loose from their network tv rating constraints & allowed to delve into some dark, mature stuff. Looking forward to season 2


This is a disappointment. I just happened to come across this on Netflix and enjoying it. We recently canceled Paramount to switch to Hboxmax.


I left network tv a long time ago. Will it still be on Netflix? I love the show too.


Season 1 is still on Netflix. Season 2.1 is not. If Season 2 ever migrated to Netflix, it will be after it’s run its full course on Paramount +. CBS/Paramount are seeing Evil as their killer app to draw new viewers to their streaming service.
