October 31
A few notes on "October 31":
The Exorcism:
The depiction of the exorcism may be inaccurate. Of course I am not an expert on exorcisms.
One obvious tactic to use to exorcise a devil you suspect is possessing someone is to inflict pain on the body of the possessed person, hoping that the pain will make the devil suffer too much for it to bear and so it will leave the body.
But that tactic suffers from the flaw that possibly a devil might be able to stand a lot more pain than its human host can, so that the painful exorcism might drive the human insane with pain without bothering the devil at all. Or possibly the devil possessing the human can turn its ability to feel the pain in the human body on and off at will, and will turn it off whenever the physical pain in the body gets to be too intense for the devil.
In short, there is no guarantee that inflicting pain on a body possessed by a devil will bother the devil at all or hasten its departure from the human host, while it is likely to give a lot of pain to the innocent victim of the possession.
So the present approved methods of exorcism included tormenting the devil, and not the possessed person, with prayers. Devils hate anything holy, after all.
But apparently the episode is correct that the exorcism may involve restraining the possesed person and can go on for hours, days, or weeks until successful.
Process of the exorcism
In the process of an exorcism the person possessed may be restrained so that they do not harm themselves or any person present. The exorcist then prays and commands for the demons to retreat. The Catholic Priest recites certain prayers the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the Athanasian Creed. Exorcists follow procedures listed in the ritual of the exorcism revised by the Vatican in 1999. Seasoned exorcists use the Rituale Romanum as a starting point, not always following the prescribed formula exactly.[7] The Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained describes that an exorcism was a confrontation and not simply a prayer and once it has begun it has to finish no matter how long it takes. If the exorcist stops the rite, then the demon will pursue him which is why the process being finished is so essential.[8] After the exorcism has been finished the person possessed feels a “kind of release of guilt and feels reborn and freed of sin.” [9] Not all exorcisms are successful the first time; it could take days, weeks, or months of constant prayer and exorcisms.
So possibly someone who knows more about exorcisms may be able to tell how realistic the procedures are in this episode. I note that it is considered unusual that this exorcism has lasted for 6 days.