Vain repetition and David's personal flaw *(spoilers)*
"Why don’t you make up your own prayers? Why do you keep repeating that same old crap over and over again? Who’s on first?"
~ Townsend to David Acosta [latter's imagination]
TV Fanatic:
One of our fellow posters succinctly put vain repetition this way:
"The extreme ritualism (what Jesus referred to as "vain repetition") in both Catholicism and Islam, leads to repression or 'stuffing it.'"
It is my understanding that the repeating of common prayers runs the risk of said prayers to lose meaning and sincerity if there is no heart emphasized behind the spoken words and intrinsically thought.
This aside, such method is conducive for more instructional learning and memorization, creating technique to facilitate a lesson given to a large audience (like us, the viewers).
For a myriad of reasons, what transpires by the following development is one of ironic interest. Namely, we relate to David's personal struggle of trying to be a "good Christian" man (he is a priest in training).
He physically knocked Townsend down in the court building during events within the premier episode.
Yet, his use of turning prayer into an empty gesture, what should be personal and therefore relatable, rings his motive for doing so hollow.
Repetitive praying is great for memorizing and educating. So long as it is understood that it is not to be treated as a meaningless exercise, it is useful when done privately as a way of strengthening faith and not as some sort of blind rescue clause/get-of-jail/golden ticket idea.