This is by no means downplaying the severity of the Covid19 pandemic, but it almost seems like the virus gave the fans of the MCU a break from the superhero films so we could relax a bit and concentrate on, oh I don't know, life?
Dat edge, son! But more importantly, dat desperation to go after an acclaimed franchise and its legion of fans that you couldn’t care less how mind-blowingly stupid you’ll sound. Yup... Davey here is in a movie chat board, something that’s very removed from real life, dissing certain film fans (so edgy, bro) that have gotten 2-3 films... soon that will include tv shows... from a snob-targeted franchise for several years now (only this year they won’t because cinema going as a whole has come to a halt which means franchise and MOVIE FANS IN GENERAL will have to stop living in supposed fantasy worlds according to “superior beings” on frickin’ movie boards) for supposedly having no lives. Yes, this pompous bish is serious.
The countless trolls up on this joint notwithstanding (mostly vermin reactionary chuds), oh lawdt the irony and shameless hypocrisy is always strong with the anti-MCU film snobs. They’re truly not trying anymore. Well, give yourself a pat on the back, totally original and brave D! (Btw I was waiting for you to come after the MCU this way having seen your other elitist posts.) Sounding like a true boomer you are... K boomer.
I guess I rankled a few fans, which was NOT my intent, but it is true that there is a time and place for everything. Superhero movies notwithstanding, there are a lot of other things in life. I like superhero films also, but the pandemic gave me pause to reflect on other more important things in life.