The myth of the southern accent.
I see a lot of people on here complaining about Daniel Craig's southern American accent.
There is no such thing as a "southern" accent any more than there is a "northern" accent.
A NYC accent is different from a Boston accent is different from a Chicago accent is different from a Wisconsin accent. No one would refer to any one of those individually as a "northern" accent.
In the same way, South Carolina is different from Mississippi is different from Texas is different from Kentucky. No one should refer to any one of those individually as a "southern" accent.
The difference between accents of Georgia and Louisiana is as distinct as accents from the Bronx and Pittsburgh.
New Orleans is the most mixed up of them all. It's an odd conglomeration of French, Creole, and the drawl so typically associated to southern dialects.
The whole idea of a single southern accent seems to stem from the [incorrect] assertion that all people from the south are slow and dim witted. Although to see some of these dopes on here saying, "I'm from the south and no one here talks like that," it can be true, just not universally true. If you're from Texas, of course no one where you are talks like they're from Alabama. "herp derp, I'm from the south and we don't talk like that, hurr dee durr." Dumbasses.