MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > Throwing in my two cents *spoilers*

Throwing in my two cents *spoilers*

*Holds up my hands*
If you hated "The Last Jedi", I understand. I have no quarrels with you. If you are here to bash on a filmmaker for ruining your childhood, please do it on "The Last Jedi" sections of the internet. I don't want to cause any issues pertaining to that movie. I only want to talk about this movie. I will be civil as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.

Screenplay- This is hands down one of the finest screenplays Rian Johnson has written. Being both funny, intriguing, and subverting expectations in a strong way, this is a strong screenplay for mystery writers.

Acting- Across the board, this is an ensemble piece, carried by a brilliant cast of talented actors who make this just epically stunning.

Cinematography- Steve Yedlin's cinematography is absolutely stunning in this. Capturing the essence of a strong mystery, subtly hinting at what's coming next.

Score- Nathan Johnson's score is eerie, upbeat, and just a joy to listen to. Every atmosphere building moment is elevated by the excellent score.

Less of the family by the end- This is why I put up spoilers. The family sort of disappears towards the end of the movie, and I just wish we had more of them towards the end, especially being in the room when the murder is announced.

I really loved this movie. I'm purposefully keeping it vague because this should be seen by an audience. Even if I was to spoil the whole movie, it would take too much to type out. Go see "Knives Out" it's brilliant!!!!


I disagree whole heartedly and I think Knives Out is the perfect place to bash Ruin Johnson regarding The Last Jedi. Why? Because this is the first time in my life (and for many others) I have absolutely no interest in seeing the new Star Wars film that opens soon. This is coming from the guy that would always dress up in theme and watch on opening night. So if Ruin Johnson suddenly has a hit on his hands with Knives Out, I feel it is my duty to remind everyone what this guy did to so many of us. I wish he would just f*ck off.


"This is coming from the guy that would always dress up in theme and watch on opening night."

^^^This is not adding to any impressions you give about your maturity level.




I frankly didn't like Last Jedi but I liked this one. Frankly I don't like a Clockwork Orange but I liked 2001 A Space Odyssey and The Shining. Just because ad film maker makes a bad film doesn't mean you have to hate him. Honestly though I wasn't ever on board with making a Star Wars Episodes 7,8, and 9 to begin with.


''Frankly I don't like a Clockwork Orange


Just because ad film maker makes a bad film''

You have to nuance here: just because you don't like it doesn't make it a bad movie objectively. I don't like The Gladiator but by no means it is a ''bad'' movie.
