MovieChat Forums > Black Summer (2019) Discussion > Just watched the first episode

Just watched the first episode

Actually the first two episodes. I don’t usually binge TV shows, simply because I don’t have time, but I couldn’t stop myself from watching the second episode, and wanted to watch the third. This is intense, I don’t remember the last time my heart was actually beating from watching a TV show. It’s well done, and entertaining


I agree. I've watched three episodes, I'm going to watch the rest of the episodes over the weekend. This was a pleasant surprise, it's well made, intense and I like how it's continuous. It's like watching a long movie.

My only complaint is how the colors are so cold and blue. I'd like a more natural color.


It's definitely suspenseful, & even pretty unnerving at times so it keeps you engaged. But honestly. I find the show to be pretty annoying. A lot of unlikeable characters. & things are a bit too fragmented for my taste. The constant switching between groups isn't all to well done imo. But overall I feel like I can watch it till the end & enjoy myself for the most part... So whatever. I'm like 4-5 episodes deep where the groups are finally merging so maybe it'll get better from here


I’m loving it, it’s very intense and I like the way they tell each character’s story.

I actually watched episodes 1-2 and then rewatched them the next day. You can see the other main characters in the background before they were introduced into the show. It’s very clever actually. Who was driving the vehicle than knocked that lady down in episode 1? Did we spot the black pickup from episode 2? Who is the guy holding that family of 3 hostage? Definitely have to watch this show twice to catch all the details.


The way the characters act is horrendous. The dialogue between Patrick and his wife when he was turning was like the script was left blank and the female actress felt like she had to fill every second up with saying something, anything. As he is about to pass she decides to get him a glass of water... not run away or kill him?

That Korean woman insists on talking Korean to people when no one understands her. I mean I know the cliche where people speak English loudly and slowly expecting a foreigner to understand but she actually does reveal some English competence when the script requires it. The reverse doesn't seem to be true but it doesn't seem to stop her.

Trapped at the diner they were too dumb to jam the zombies in the door and then they could smash its head in with minimal risk, drag it inside and repeat for the next one. A frying pan for a weapon? There were no knives in the kitchen?

Why did the black pick up pursue them? There's a zillion cars on the way for them to siphon gas if they wish.

The hoody guy wasn't able to close doors when that zombie pursued him around the block?

The characters aren't as bad as Fear of the Walking dead in terms of unlikeable but they veer towards it.
