All good questions.
Today it occurred to me that the whole thrust of the show thus far is about Picard's journey specifically, but very much focussed on *his* journey as opposed to other characters or the general purpose of the story and events that Picard reacts against. Essentially the show was a vehicle to get Picard from fading human life to the revival of life by inhabiting an artificial body, besides the plot to save the galaxy from a monstrous alien race. The show has been a dialogue between Picard and his relationship to Data and other AI and how apparently the AI has enriched Picard's life. I have to wonder to what degree this show has been a propaganda piece for transhumanism which has its problematic issues such as violation of human nature and such.
Considering how much social prominence the Federation give Picard (at least the degree of importance the story gives him), I'm seeing parallels between the story of Osiris and Picard's journey - both are highly prominent characters placed on high pedestals, both have experienced "rebirth", both have been metaphorically and literally "reassembled", both have been teachers or advisors or facilitators impacting their worlds, both now inhabit the underworld though remain visible in the world of the living, both are opposed by dark forces that seek to control reality. There are even connections between Picard and the Egyptian god Ra - Ra travels on a golden barge called "Atet", Picard travels in a ship called La Sirena (The Mermaid) which emphasises the water environment and a magical dimension; Picard is a "shining beacon" of hope to many; Ra and Picard has significant female friends which help and protect him, both are fighting Death or Set, etc.