This is awful from the first moments ...
I am desperate to find something to watch I have not already seen, and I gravitate towards science fiction. I thought, oh boy, a sci-fi series with some notable actors ... may be pretty good.
First thing I see is cutting into the Hillary Swank character's life. What kind of people ... and it is both the mother and father of this family, have a kid and then leave her for 3 years where the chances of dying are 50-50?
Can you imagine being the daughter and seeing your mom take off for 3 years? And they say that if the father had been healthy enough he would have gone too! Why have kids at all if you are not going to parent them and be there for them?
Then they have this dinner scene, and touching mother-daughter moment, and then insult moment between husband and wife where wife calls husband a S-head, and then they do this thing they do all the time in movies and TV, pretend that every couple wants to have sex every minute and that it solves every problem.
Needless to say I think I will watch an episode, maybe two and then end up too bored to watch the rest of it. Sappy and stupid ... that's Sap Stu, not Sci Fi.