MovieChat Forums > Euphoria (2019) Discussion > Who actually watches this garbage?

Who actually watches this garbage?

Pretentious wanna be art house show thats trying way too hard to be edgy. Shit like this is why HBO isn't what it used to be.


Gen Z, boomer.


Who are you kidding? It's premium cable. The audience is overwhelmingly middle aged.


are u kidding me?!? kids these days arent internet retards like u old boomers paying for premium cable like the dumb sheep u are. all this stuff can be accessed easily and for free with a vpn, torrent software, and the pirate bay. i watched all of the sopranos as a sophomore in highschool and my parents were too cheap to have cable but needed internet for work so i had access to every cool show ever made


So you're just a dishonest, entitled, thieving, piece of shit bastard. Got it.


kick his ass chillone




its more dishonest to pay these child diddlers in hollyweird for there movies than to steal em honestly online


I'm old, but Pirate Bay is 20 years old. Not the badge of youth you seem to think it is.

This is all beside the point: Euphoria's drawing millions of viewers on HBO Max & via normal cable. They're paying to watch, which skews the audience older.

PS: are you really pulling one over on Hollyweird by watching their content for free? They're more interested in capturing an audience than taking our money.


yeah i no longer use piratebay. my collection of movies is big enough. started to go to the library to get stuff. it is nice to have a bunch of downloads for a train ride when ur out of network zones


I am Gen X and love it πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


I do. I love and support it. I’m not in the least surprised that it does not appeal to the likes of you. I’m comforted and soothed thereby.


Such a boring post.


Not anymore than than the show.


People with an actual life


I would think people with actual life, would have better things to do than watching a show about a bunch of shallow drug addicted teenagers.


This is a very boring subject. I am not interesting in this type of post.



They round.



Seriously. They were hyping it and I gave it a try. Watched first episode of season one and it was unwatchable. Boring, uninteresting characters. But Hollywood wants that Zendaya actress to happen to they keep putting her in shows and movies. So they are hyping it like crazy in Hollywood press.

But I doubt many people watch it.


You have to admit that she portrays a stoned teen really well.


I do , it's pretentious for sure, but pretty good


How is it pretty good if it's pretentious?


I watched a little bit of an episode the other night. All the shots are so dark. It's like all the people in the show live in houses with poor lighting.
