The sodomy of McKay in front of his girlfriend, after it had been established that he will never realize his young dream of playing in the NFL (I mean, he weighs, what?, 170 at most, soaking wet?) was shocking, heart-rending, but also consistent with the ground that Euphoria is breaking. This is really raw, visceral stuff. And, yes, a lot of it is very difficult to watch, f’rinsrance, Jules with Dominant Daddy. I think it’s an important series because of that. Our world is hard. What do you think? Are you even watching?
There was no actual penetration. That was just boys being boys with a little team bonding/hazing. The colored boy overreacted big time. He’s weak and his girlfriend should dump him for an Alpha male like Daniel.
I can’t help but LOL. If that were you would you be okay with that type of “team bonding”.
I’m a 30f. So idk what an Acceptable form of hazing is. When I was in college tons of frat guys were dying due to alcohol poisoning. A lot of campus’ went dry. It is a lot different, there were boys that liked boys and boys that liked girls / rarely any anyone in between. It was extremely rare to hear about any trans, especially in Greek life. What I really am curious to know is this how HS and college life are now? Oxy’s were 1000% around and super easy to get from the time I was in 7th/8th grade, Xanax/oxys/weed/molly and occasionally cocaine were DEFF present in HS. college is when addorral came around, alothough most of us were prescribed for some form of ADD/ADHD med as it was “PILL NATION” where almost everyone and everything were fine and dandy with taking a pill for everything.
As far as sexuality: we had a few boys that liked boys. For some reason we didn’t consider them gay, bc they were just coming out. But they always hung with the “in-crowd” and although I’m sure it was hard for these guys, it was socially acceptable for them to be gay or “bi”. We had one kid that wanted to be a girl since I met him in the 6th grade, he was tormented simply for shaving his legs. He now has severe depression, and he’s been on heavy drugs for years now. He also didn’t have a good home life, and literally had no friends. People treated him like he had the plague, so much so, That I was afraid to approach him bc he had attacked anyone that came too close to him. I have had guy friends come out and tell me they have though about chicks w dicks in the past, and I’ve seen two of my guys friends hook up in my back seat when they were high on weed and pcp so I’ve always had this notion in my head that not every guy that claims he’s straight is actually 100% straight
What I love about this show is it’s really raw and gets gritty af. I can relate and I graduated HS in 2007.
I’m a chick and I always thought the same thing. Maybe it’s just the younger generation that’s making me thing gender fluidity is actually a real thing.
I as a woman, would not be happy if my so called straight (hypothetical) bf/husband/partner was hookin up with other dudes - especially if he claimed he was straight. That’s jus me tho. Call me old fashioned