And yet I feel like the characters weren't fleshed out at all... how do you even manage that? That was my biggest issue with this movie, the dire lack of character development. Even Dani felt very underdeveloped beyond her initial trauma, but at least she got some I guess. Honestly the movie probably would have been a lot better if cut down to 90-100 minutes, but even that wouldn't really fix this problem. Just a bunch of bland one-note characters that you barely get to know despite the long runtime spent with them.
I agree with Modica. I found that those who cannot appreciate Midsommar are mostly very mentally low grade people. Midsommar is going to go down as one of the greatest films of all time, and anyone who does not see that is dumber than a box of rocks.
Ari Aster is very good at character development in his movies. It is strange that you think the opposite. It is almost like we watched 2 different versions of the movie. For me, due to the very good character development, most of what happens is very plausible.
If you say you didn't think the character development was good, that means you didn't appreciate that aspect of Midsommar. ALL aspects of Midsommar MUST be appreciated since it's one of the greatest movies ever done. In fact the character development was superb! Pele chose those losers for the trip to Sweden because they were one dimensional douchebags. That was the purpose of his visit: To find goofballs that the world would not miss, fit for sacrifice. All except for Dani of course; Her purpose was obviously different. So, you are wondering why Ari Aster didn't flesh out those characters with more development when they inherently could not be developed due to their selfish, shallow, and trite personalities? You were never meant to delve deeply into the personality of Mark or the other goons. It was all about Dani. And, her character arch/journey was fleshed out very well, watching her crack, and then slowly go insane. Yes, Misommar is one of the greatest movies of all time. Watch the Directors Cut to see even more character development. It just never ends with this movie. It's long because like a bad psychedelic trip can be, it wants to give you anxiety; It wants to make you feel like you're there, tripping, and you cannot escape. No early ending, or cut to credits, no you're stuck there, just like Dani. Great movie!! 11/10!!!
It's not well developed. It never explains why those natives can be both so kind and cold blooded murderers at the same time. Unless you take it as a stupid comedy.
You're not supposed to understand the inner workings of the natives' minds. That is why it works: They are a "mystery" to you by design. If you knew all their secrets, then you wouldn't be as intrigued with them.
Some people need everything spelled out for them. They don't settle for just dealing with some things aren't known. Human beings are too complex to explain their inner workings. Bugershmurger doesn't understand that.
Saying not everything needs to be spelled out is a copout for shallowness. Like I said, in a comedy you might get away with it. But not in a drama. Some things don't need to be spelled out. But in this case there's nothing implied because they're just flat cardboard cutouts. I guess that's why so many people laughed watching it at the movies.
A cop out for shallowness? Really? Not sure if you saw the same movie as I. Telling an audience instead of showing an audience brings something artificial to the table. It says that the audience isn't sophisticated or enlightened enough to understand human behavior. And even if we don't understand the motivations of all the characters...who cares? It leaves us wondering, asking and discussing the people and why they did certain things. We don't have someone telling us how to understand others in our personal lives(except for our own intuitive capacity), so I don't understand why we have to have a writer/director doing it in a movie.
In this case, there's nothing to wonder about. It's just people acting fake for fakeness sake. You're proposing that any movie should be shallow making us fill the gaps.
They act fake because they are supposed to be shallow and fake. That is the point, and it's going right over your head. Like I said, most people who don't get Midsommar are low brow, and dumber than a box of rocks.
I don't fully agree, because they each have something more to anchor them, but I see where you're coming from, they're each an archetype. The lead/girl, the hot dumb boyfriend, the brain, the immature one, the outsider