MovieChat Forums > M3GAN (2023) Discussion > I hate to be that guy, but... (RT rating...

I hate to be that guy, but... (RT rating suspiciously high)

Ya'll MFers really gonna make me say it? You're really gonna turn me into THAT guy?...

The Rotten Tomatoes score is so high because all the leads are women, and the males in the film are bumbling fools! Wow. I can't believe this is what film critics care about. You can't even trust them anymore, at all.

What a bland film! It deserved maybe a 55%, tops. Felt like a straight-to-video film. Only 90 minutes long but a chore! Ugh


You mean THAT Boi


You are wrong. One of the developement team was a male that was intelligent and portrayed as a positive person. Cady's father was also portrayed positively, despite the short screentime.


Lol, one male? And then the father who crashed the car?

You got me. Identity politics played no role in this film’s production and reception…… Hollywood would never do that! I’m just a silly person


I don't know if your explanation of the high score is correct but the film certainly doesn't deserve it. It is a decently made, decently crafted in every way, but totally forgettable film.


I watched the movie and never had any thoughts about male/female representation. I was just watching actors throughout the movie. You're just bringing your culture war memes to a movie where that issue was not addressed, at all.


Oh ok


RT isn't reliable because "critics" say what they think those above them, or those who control the media want to hear; or what they are told to say.
