I’ve watched this series and it’s quite enjoyable to watch some episodes and do other things.
Anyway the costumes are a little confusing in their period.
The Queen and her ladies dress like in the film Dangerous liaison with Glenn close and Jhon Malkovitch.
Menawhile the high society ladies dress more modern like in pride and prejudice
And Lady Featherstone’s gowns are from an even later period.
18th century - Queen and her ladies and Lady Danbury
Regency (empire waist) - most of the ton
Victorian - Lady Featherstone
I honestly think Lady F’s gowns are different because the empire waist style would be too unflattering on Polly Walker. She probably got it in her contract that she didn’t have to wear them.
I’m glad I’m not crazy about my thoughts on the costumes how they weren’t from the same period but never guessed they gave us three different eras of costumes instead of two.
I understand about dresses being flattering but it takes you of from the story a bit. Don’t you think? Why they didn’t all go 18th century ?
After all I find those gowns( The Queen’s gowns) more appealing on screen and much more spectacular
So the films Dangerous Liaisons, The Duchess and Marie Antoinette are all set in the 18th century?
All the dresses of those movies look a lot like the dresses of the Queen and her ladies in this series?
Someone on YouTube told me those films are set in Rococco era ? Is that correct. ?