MovieChat Forums > The Nevers (2021) Discussion > how did those speculations about Amalia ...

how did those speculations about Amalia being an alien start? πŸ™„

It was clear she was from the future when like two episodes ago she said that she was left behind in this time where she could be killed just for having a voice.


The ALIEN looking SHIP that we saw FLYING in the SKY is what gives one the impression that she's an ALIEN that got left behind when she makes reference to being LEFT BEHIND by it.

Because we also NEVER had an explanation about what that SHIP was or why it was there turning others into being what they called TOUCHED.

So NO it was NOT CLEAR she was suppose to be "FROM the FUTURE" until she tells the other character about it near the end of Ep. 6.

And even then you also have to wonder if that's really TRUE (pardon the pun) or if she's just as CRAZY as MALADIE who assumed that SHIP was suppose to be GOD.


So NO it was NOT CLEAR she was suppose to be "FROM the FUTURE" until she tells the other character about it near the end of Ep. 6.

To me it was clear the moment she said "in this time".
She did not say "in this world".

It was very strange for me to read these theories on here.


There was a subtle hint in episode 4 I think where all the girls are playing Piano and singing some song. When they ask Amalia if she has a favorite song she wants them to play, her response was "you wouldn't know it."


Yes, GOOD CATCH, but for some reason that scene also gave me the impression that she meant the reason why they wouldn't know it because she was OLDER than most of the other girls there in that orphanage (who wouldn't know it for that reason).


In episode 1 we see a spaceship,and Amalia says "This is not my face" to the Beggar King. Some episodes later she looks at herself in the mirror and slaps her face,another hint to the fact that "that was not her face". And maybe there were some other hints here and there.



Yes MALADIE also refers to her as being "the one who SHEDS her SKIN," but NOTE πŸ“Œ the way we also see that BLUE LIGHT FLOATING upwards to the SHIP, which was also suppose to REPRESENT ZEPHYR's LIFE FORCE (or whatever you care to call it), after she drinks those 2 CONTAINERS of something and KILLS HERSELF.

And since we also don't see HUMANS turning into BLUE LIGHT FORMS after they die, that also seems to indicate to us that Zephyr/AMALIA/MOLLY is an ALIEN and isn't HUMAN.

PLUS she also eats that IMAGINARY LOOKING HOLOGRAPHIC APPLE 🍎 there inside of that GARDEN SETTNG as well.

And what could doing that possibly SYMBOLIZE???


> PLUS she also eats that IMAGINARY LOOKING HOLOGRAPHIC APPLE 🍎 there inside of that GARDEN

Are you referring to the tomato Zephyr is eating in that hydroponics lab? (and what is imaginary-looking?)
Don't remember any other scenes where she's eating something like that...


YES. Was it a TOMATO??? Are you sure??? I recall a CRUNCH sound as she BITES into it, and seeing the WHITE inside of it.

If it's still LOADED ON DEMAND, one will also be able to still CHECK it out to see if you're right.

ON DEMAND has lots of short 4 min clips and PODCAST, but the EPISODES themselves are GONE NOW. πŸ™

I'll try to check around and see if any REVIEWS of the LAST EPPY mention anything about it being an APPLE instead of a TOMATO.


FOUND THIS which also indicates you are right about it being a TOMATO instead of an APPLE:

>>The unit then discovers what they initially thought to be the Galanthi, but is actually a garden, from which Stripe eats a tomato.



