MovieChat Forums > The Act (2019) Discussion > As someone whose mother also had this di...

As someone whose mother also had this disorder

The second episode gave me chills. I have never thought much of Patricia Arquette's acting until I watched that. Her portrayal of the emotions and behavior of someone with Munchausen syndrome was on point.

I don't think Gypsy should be in prison, she was punished enough. She should be in a long term hospital setting. I also don't agree with the boy getting life. He should be the one serving ten years.



I wouldn’t want that guy released to the world if he has such dark tendencies. He ‘wanted’ to rape, he ‘wanted’ to kill, he DID kill. He was manipulated yes but he had these desires before Gypsy.


I have sympathy for Gypsy since she was pretty much brainwashed and tortured since birth and she didn’t have the mental capacity to think like we do in the sense of “why didn't she just walk out and leave.” She should however be on a lifetime of probation and watched closely to ensure her safety and that of others.

But as for Nick, he is a murderer plain and simple. He took a greyhound bus across state lines with the intention of murdering somebody. He should NOT be doing only ten years. Maybe prison isn’t the place for him but a lifetime of confinement is.
What makes you think if he were to get out he wouldn’t do something similar to this again?
