Can't wait ...

I've mostly agreed with a lot of what Michael Moore has said, even when he has said it in ways I don't like or appreciate ... but in the last 10 years or so Moore's movie have gotten better and better and less annoying and obnoxious.

So, that is why I am looking forward to this movie very much.

I feel America has to take Republicans and the oligarchs out of the game. When you look at how the media and websites have been used to present a country that is cold, hard-hearted, ignorant, racist and war-mongering ... and we all know this is not true. The richest among us have the power to project reality and herd millions of ignorant Fox News watching people to make it look like they are a majority ... but at most, including moderate Conservatives they are about 30% of country.

We have to take back the country ... but we are being given tons of Liberal things to blame even as the Conservatives have held and exercised and cheated power since 2000. That is insane. Republicans have declared war on the American system and are fighting it like soldiers trying to take the country down and make us all mistrust each other and our government. This movie has been targetted by the Right Wing so they go and rate the movie on IMDB before they have even seen it. The Right is mobilized ... and to fix things, the Left has to become active and mobilized too. And we also have to make sure our elections are real and fair.

Moore has shown us how people live around the rest of the world and what they think ... and America has been turned into a cesspool or ignorance and hate ... and aggression. But we know that is not true. Americans are great. Americans are the most giving people in the world. Americans donate far more to charity than any other country in the world ( read "A Fine Mess" by T. R. Reid on our tax system ).

Somehow our better impulses are being attacked and denigrated while we are really doing very well and were rebuilding our trust from the rest of the world. And then Trump. Moore's movies are getting better and better and I am looking forward to seeing this one soon.


Recently saw Where to Invade Next.

Thought it was pretty good.
Though I do get a lot of his criticism where he points things in a vague way to his point of view and sort of making things out of mockery. Giving documentary impressions.


Yeah, I think what Moore understands, much better than most and certainly better than I is that you cannot present facts to change people minds. You have to get at people's hearts, their emotions, change their world view. I think he was clumsy and ham-fisted in his first attempts, but they reached a lot of people. I agree with his basic ideas, that all people deserve and should have human rights and be treated well no matter how rich they are.

For example, on the WTIN movie, I remember the food I was served in a cafeteria as a kid. It was very good when I lived in New England growing up. Well, maybe not great, but good, and much better than when I went to Texas or California. Over the years I have learned a lot about nutrition, and in the part where Michael documented the French system when he showed the difference it made me, a tough, almost senior citizen cry for how gone wrong our country is.

I just hope he has gotten better still in this new movie. Trumplandia was a quick knock-off, and to me was not that great, though again Michael Moore was right. We have a one-party system now in two versions. One is the arrogant push the fascist agenda forward, and the other one is the apology, hand-wringing, explain why things have to be like the Republicans want them and that the Republicans are the adults in the room. Trump has been the exploder of that myth. There is nothing adult, economical, scientific or logical about anything the Republicans do ... they just do whatever and say whatever to get more money and power for themselves and their minders.


New England is one of the best places in the world. No kidding you got better treatment there than other places.
Texas and Cali are full of wetbacks and hicks. I surprised they didnt just serve you there dog food.
Coming from Florida that state is a total dump. Everyone gets treated like dogs even your own family members. When I went to New England it was the real " American Dream". They were giving out money like the joker in batman. Everything was perfect, though I did run into some racism it was a lot more played down than in other places, where they just spit in your face, and forgettable. New England had the best regulations, best jobs, best foods, best people, most attractive, most benefits, best living conditions, albeit snow.
You dont have to watch Michael Moore to know that. Have you seen Super size this? Lots of websites hammer this disgust how kids, food in the US is poison. Which doesnt make sense. Ive met people who have told me in disbelief how can the US serve garbage food and then eat it. Who am I, to challenge the system or get in the way of people willing to kill themselves blindly.

You dont even want to get into gun owner ship/ violence, the court system being totally corrupted, or police brutality.
In sicko I remember him having deleted scenes in the dvd that were just as good as the film itself.

The logic for republicans only apply to them behind close doors.


You should read Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It by Joel Fuhrman. America is its own worst enemy these days.

Yeah, the SickO deleted scenes were part of the basis for WTIN. Also Capitalism A Love Story.


Mikey should do a documentary on why he's so fat and the shit he eats!


Republicans have declared war on the American system and are fighting it like soldiers trying to take the country down and make us all mistrust each other and our government.

It always amazes me how liberals see the world upside down. Obama was the one who vowed to 'fundamentally transform America', and did everything in his power to do so. And yet, you dipshits think it's conservatives who have declared war on America and want to take it down.

Yes, it's us conservative who are lowering taxes, increasing the economy, lowering unemployment, and strengthening our borders, who are trying to 'take the country down'. How can you be so stupid?

And of course, there's the tired old standby of labelling conservatives racists. It's what liberals consistently do so they don't have to provide an intellectual argument. Funny how black unemployment is at an all-time low under Trump. He must really hate those blacks, right? Funny how he was never labeled a racist until he ran for president against the Democrats. It's what you assholes do.
