Its watchable

It was entertaining for a very corny sci-fi.

Aliens seem weak for their level of technology - they were interested in Earth 65 million years ago. However, the Earth oceans will be evaporated in 1.1 billion years. Not a long term plan for a species living on that kind of time scale with millions of years to develop technology and infrastructure. Might make more sense to build orbital structures - but that wouldn't make a good action movie.

The movie has cringey far-left western ideals. Villain is a white male. They try to defeat the aliens with kindness, diversity and strong female lead.

I seen no strategic advantage in becoming allies with the Grey alien turncoats. The prisoners of war greys seemed to be more helpful in constructing weapons and sharing technology.

"If you kill your enemies, they win." - Justin Trudeau.


The sfx were decent for this caliber of film. I noticed the movie was not coherent. It seemed like it would skip around and not fluid. It was a mess.


Exactly, it jumped around too much and ultimately I didn't care about anything that was happening in the entire thing. It was a struggle to get through


I quite enjoyed it.
