
People bagged Occupation pt1. I thought it was a decent foray into something not so serious.

Then (well just after) I watched this. and it was again, a mix of sci fi, action and comedy.. more leaning towards the comedy with stoner steve.

but now I have to wait for a third one? come on, man... (said in my best joe biden voice)... how about a closure encounter of the second kind...

i dunno, didn't hate it. still can't get over the aussie acting voices of the military (I'm Aussie btw, just not used to it sounding like Pat telling Darl what he is about to do) and well, you know the usual.

another 3 years? I think I'll have died of a vaccine by then... :/


Or died of NOT getting a vaccine by then. :\. Agree on the movie assessment though.


Nah, I think getting a variant of the flu at my age, is safer than getting a known blood clotting experimental vaccine.. but est quod est, we all have our thoughts!


You sound a little like Phil Valentine.


How do my typed words sound like anything?


Keyboard clicks. Duh.


This Phil Valentine must be from a reclusive tribe in Africa! I never knew that. Cheers!


Sure, we all have our thoughts. Some are just more reasonable (read: based in fact) than others.

"experimental blood clotting vaccine?" Good Lord.


Well, even your so called experts say it causes blood clots.

Stop being new.


"My" experts?
"Blood Clots?"

No. Just. . .No.

The vaccine is safe and effective, and EASILY our most powerful tool in ending this pandemic. Stupid people disagree. That is all.


You just have no idea... so sad.


What's sad is idiots like you denying science, common sense, and empirical evidence. And spreading disinformation that is killing people. All of which is Especially reprehensible in an age when information is more readily available than at any time in history.


Yes I know... I do my research, and determine my own fate. How reprehensible of me.

You, however, are free to shove whatever shit you want into you body, at the behest of governments and pseudo medical 'experts' and likely become ill from it.

Be my guest, idiot.


What's reprehensible is mouth breathers like you who are unwilling/unable to apply even a modicum of common sense or rational thought. Because unfortunately, it affects those of us who Can, and Do, think critically.


You have NO "research" that indicates vaccines & masks are anything other than exactly what I said: our best path out of this pandemic. Period.



Wait, if you're safe, why do you need ME to be safe?

Are you afraid I'll make you unsafe, by me being unsafe around your safety?

You're a fucking moron. go vax yourself, you tit. It's gonna save everyone... oh except, you, in your vaccinated arrogant state of enforced bullshit.

Piss off.


The level of idiocy you broadcast is BREATHTAKING. You stupid, Stupid person.
You're too dumb, and too self-absorbed, to conceive of the effect you and your mouthbreathing ilk have on those around you. You honestly don't have the brainpower to understand that People Like YOU being unsafe. . .wait for it. . .DOES affect others.

This is a simple concept, but clearly one that's far beyond you.

Please, PLEASE: Do Not Breed.
